Saturday, September 17, 2005

Training Australia magazing policies

Training Australia Magazine is a resource, delivering information readers can use in a broad range of training environments and occupations. Training Australia Magazine reports, documents and supports professional development for individuals and enterprises that help them succeed in business and life. The information Training Australia Magazine brings to its readers comes from industry itself. So if you have an article proposal, it's a good idea to first pitch it to the editors via e-mail. It should be a concise description of what the article would be about, who the target audience is, etc. With training and development being approached as a broad, integrated subject, trainers of virtually any subject will find articles to interest them. Therefore we welcome submissions from any authors interested in addressing their disciplines from various perspectives.


    1. For easy reading, we encourage authors to use reference lists at the end of their articles, if necessary, rather than footnotes. We also encourage writers to provide short bibliographies for possible publication. This is a great help to readers who want to research the subject more deeply.
    2. The language of Training Australia Magazine favours a clear and straightforward presentation. Whilst we primarily address training professionals, it should be borne in mind that other readers may be from outside the industry.
    3. Avoid the masculine or feminine pronouns when generalising, using plural rather than single constructions (they rather than he or he/she) or the second person (you, your etc) when the problem arises. We do not use the term "man" as a collective term, with preference going to "people," "human beings" or "individuaIs."
    4. Please try to include at least one sidebar for each article. Your editor may give you ideas for sidebars. A sidebar could be as simple as a list of interesting facts that didn't quite fit into the article, or as lavish as a mini article on a related topic.
    5. Please use as visual an approach as possible. Training Australia Magazine is published in four colors, and photographs, drawings and paintings, diagrams, cartoons, charts and graphs add to both the usability and the perceived quality of the magazine. We encourage you to include originals of artwork with your article and to acquire permission to reprint that artwork in writing.
    6. Whenever possible, include a "For more information" box. This is separate from a sidebar. It should include the names and phone numbers (and addresses if you like) of people or organisations readers can call to find out more about the topic. Web sites or e-mail addresses are also great to include.
    7. You must include a source list. We will not publish it, but we need to have the phone numbers of sources in case you are not available and we need to check a fact or ask a question.
    8. We cannot send courtesy copies to sources, unfortunately. Please refer sources to our Web site, where we post the stories.

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