Saturday, September 24, 2005

Free Project Management and Task Tracking -

Free Project Management and Task Tracking -

February 4, 2002 Task Completed - iTeamwork gets a face lift

More than just cosmetics, this "new look" improves on navigation to provide an even more intuitive experience. Generally, the changes were kept to a minimum to create a new software base that will allow for the addition of new features more easily. One minor change, for example, is that the main Projects view separates Active Projects from Completed Projects.

A couple of new features that will be integrated soon are the ability to manage team members and the ability to create task dependencies.

The new team manager will have such features as allowing a project creator to assign project manager status to other team members, delete team members and copy team members to a new project.

Creating task dependencies sets up a relationship between tasks that establishes the start of a new task to begin when some other task is completed. For iTeamwork, this means that an email notification is automatically sent to the assignee of the new task as soon as the dependent task is marked as complete.

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