Friday, September 16, 2005

Business Evolutionist

Business Evolutionist

Top 10 Signs you're stuck with a bad co-worker

From the home office in Harrisburg, PA.

10.) You've cooked potatoes with more personality than this guy

9.) Sometimes forget to bring their "medication"

8.) Keeps repeating the word Hootenanny

7.) Sings along with every song as they're listening to their iPod - and the only album they have loaded is Cher's Greatest Hits.

6.) They keep talking about their rare collection of pet rocks

5.) Every Monday they bring over 100 action photos of their kid playing soccer - and wants to make sure you see every single one of them

4.) Loud snoring during their afternoon naps

3.) Continuously offers to do a Tarot reading for you

2.) Still hanging on to that Saturday Night Live skit, referring to people as "The Tim-inator" and says "Making Copies".

And the number one sign that you're stuck with a bad-coworker...

1.) Wants you to sign petition to make it impossible for any additional extra-terrestrials to occupy positions of authority in the company.

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