Saturday, September 17, 2005

Article: Modeling Information for Three-Dimensional Space--Lessons Learned from Museum Exhibit Design

Article: Modeling Information for Three-Dimensional Space--Lessons Learned from Museum Exhibit Design

erhaps these concerns sound familiar.

* Visitors complain that they cannot find information of interest. One observes, "I know there's information about that type of robotics here, but darned if I can find it."
* Visitors enter the site, but don't stay particularly long. Some might even express an interest in the subject; let's say it's modern art. But they leave almost as quickly as they enter, without paying much attention to the artwork that the designers painstakingly displayed.
* Other visitors spend hours at the site, but never seem to notice particular sections. For example, a visitor might be thoroughly familiar with the content on radios but oblivious to the section on industrial hardware.

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