Thursday, November 03, 2005

ICT in Education Blog : PowerPoint to a large group

ICT in Education Blog : PowerPoint to a large group

Tips when presenting PowerPoints to a large audience:

* Prepare your presentation well and have a run through
* Produce more content than you need (but make sure that there are a number of places in your presentation where you can end – but the presentation will still make sense).
* Find out what sort of presentation facilities are available (in particular find out the size of the screen – this will dictate the size of your text)
* Make sure you know which slide will come next (I sometimes place bits of clip art in some slides to jog my memory)
* Engage with your audience (audiences don’t just like being spoken to) Ask questions like, ‘who has studied population so far?’ ‘Put your hand up if you have studied Development and Health…….that’s interesting about 50% of you, thank you for helping me with that.’
* Make sure your audience are attentive (I find it useful to look down the middle row or along the side of an audience. For every person who is off task assume that everyone else in the row is the same. Change the speed of your presentation, the slant, the tone of your voice, move around more to attract attention or anything that you feel will re-capture the imagination of your audience.
* Ask for questions and provide a mechanism so that people can get their questions answered at a later date (for example an email address).
* Thank your audience
* Always have a back up plan!

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