Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Analysis Phase of an e-Learning Project

The Analysis Phase of an e-Learning Project

For example, the goal to have all deli operators properly operate a meat slicer can be broken into more specific tasks such as:


Set the blade to the desired thickness of cut.

Turn the slicer on.

Place the food on the slicer and lock it in place.

Safely cut the meat or cheese.

Turn the slicer off.

Clean the blade after each use.

Assess Learners

After understanding the desired goals and subordinate tasks, the target audience has to be analyzed. Learner information impacts everything from appropriateness of metaphor to selection of content. Topics to be explored in assessing learners include:


Demographics. What are the general characteristics of the audience? Is there uniformity to gender, age, or educational background?

Psychographics. What is the psychological makeup of the target audience? Do they want the information provided in a very direct manner or do they prefer a more time-consuming but engaging game format?

Attitude. What are the learners' attitudes towards the content or to training itself? What is the attitude toward the use of technology-based training?

Experience with technology-based training. Will this be the first experience using the corporate Intranet for learning or are they already accustomed to navigating online material?

Motivation. What are the learners work and career goals? How can the training program assist them with the realization of those goals?

Prior knowledge and experience. What will the learners bring to the training in terms of skills and knowledge? To what extent are they currently working toward achieving the desired business goals?

The audience profile can be used to direct both the interface as well as instructional design. For example, an older workforce might not respond well to a music video theme or review questions embedded within an arcade game. Students who do not speak English as their first language typically prefer audio narration over on-screen text. A young student audience may not understand allusions to historical events that occurred before they were born.

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